Digital Dentistry – Leap of Faith or Best Practice?
Making dental restorations on a computer requires a huge leap of faith primarily by the provider of the service…your dentist. There can be no doubt the recipient of the service… (the consumer, client or what used to be called patient) rejoices with the new technology. No more messy gross impressions with bitter tasting gooey material that makes you want to vomit. Hallelujah and….very cool. No more two to three week…
Read MoreWhat to Expect in a Full Mouth Restoration
A full mouth restoration, also known as a full mouth rehabilitation, is designed to improve the structure as well as the aesthetics of a smile. By combining a number of popular cosmetic and restorative dentistry techniques, our prosthodontists can create a customized treatment plan that is uniquely tailored to your needs. Although a full mouth restoration is a highly individualized procedure, the initial stage of the process will be similar…
Read MoreDental Makeovers: a Beautiful Smile or the Creation of Necessity?
How many times have you looked in the mirror and cursed that rotated lateral incisor, worn canine or discolored and stained central incisor? How many times have you sat in the dental hygiene chair looking at promotional pictures of glamorous white teeth and sexy smiles and wondered if that could be you? Ready to pull the trigger and feel better about yourself? Ready to join the dentate elite? If you’re…
Read MoreTooth Replacement Gets Easier!
Immediate placement and immediate loading of dental implants is a realistic treatment option for people facing imminent tooth loss. This relatively new dental therapeutic option makes the entire tooth replacement process much easier than in the past. Under the care of a cohesive surgical, restorative and laboratory dental team most tooth replacements can be performed in one visit. A broken non-restorable or infected tooth can be extracted, the site grafted…
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